jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Actividades complementarias y extracurriculares 2012/2013




Halloween pumpkin

Departamento de Inglés

1er trimestre: octubre

Visualización de cortos sobre Halloween en inglés

Departamento de Orientación

1er trimestre: octubre

Christmas cards

Departamento de Inglés

1er trimestre: diciembre

Concierto de la Paz con canciones en  inglés y español, realizado por nuestro Centro, en el C.E.I.P. Cristóbal Colón

Departamento de Música, Filosofía, y  Latín y Griego

2º trimestre: 30 enero

Repetición del concierto anterior en nuestro Centro

Departamento de Música, Filosofía, y Latín y Griego

2º trimestre: 31 enero

Intercambio de posters con lemas sobre el día de la Paz con el C.E.I.P. Cristóbal Colón, C.E.I.P. Nº 2 e I.E.S. Alonso Quijano

Departamento de inglés

2º trimestre: 31 enero

Concierto pop-rock a favor de la lucha contra la violencia de género,  y por el día de la mujer trabajadora

Departamentos de Educación Física, Música, Artes Plásticas, Filosofía, Latín y Griego, y Tecnología

2º trimestre: 8 marzo

Excursión a Madrid: obra de teatro en inglés (Murder on the Orient Express)

Departamento de Inglés

2º trimestre: 21 de marzo

Salida de 1º de E.S.O. al Centro Cívico de esta localidad para visualizar una obra de teatro en inglés realizada por alumnos de 6º de Educación Primaria

Departamento de Inglés

2º trimestre: 26 de marzo

Musical Moulain Rouge

Departamentos de Educación Física, Música, Artes Plásticas, Filosofía, Latín y Griego, y Tecnología

3er trimestre: abril

Libro viajero en inglés

Departamento de Inglés

3er  trimestre: mayo

Concurso de inglés The Big Challenge

Departamento de Inglés

3er trimestre:14 mayo

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Ejemplo de actividad: Physical Education (2º E.S.O.)

Ejemplo de actividad: Visual Arts (1º E.S.O.)

Ejemplo de actividad: Education for Citizenship and Human Rights (2º E.S.O.)

UNIT 5: Civic participation




Interview someone that works in the N.G.O.
Interview questions:
  1. Tell me about the early years of the organization. Who, how and why the organization was founded?
  2. What are your organization aims?
  3. Who does your organization help to?
  4. How does your organization earn money?
  5. How many associates are there in the organization?
  6. Who does work in it?
  7. Why anyone wants to be a volunteer?
  8. Are you confident there is a definitive solution for the problems you are trying to solve?
  9. Do you find obstacles in your normal work?
  10. How can we collaborate with your association? 

Ejemplo de actividad: Technology (1º E.S.O.)

Let's paint a room

Three classmates, Sandra, Laura and David, want to redecorate each of their rooms and decide that an easy and inexpensive way to do it is by applying a few new coats of paint.

Because they know almost nothing about how to paint a room, they agreed to look for information about three specific subjects: determining the steps to follow in the process, calculating the amount of paint needed, and choosing the best colour.

1. Through an internet search, Sandra found the best steps to follow in the painting process, but she wrote them down in the wrong order:

- Begin by painting the ceiling and then the walls.
- Collect the necessary tools and materials (roller, brush, tray, masking tape and paint).
- Clean and put the furniture back in its place.
- Remove the masking tape before the paint is completely dry; this will allow you to remove it easily without damaging the paint.
- Cover the door and window frames, electrical sockets, switches... with masking tape. 
- Gather all the furniture in the centre of the room and cover it with plastic or paper.

2. Laura asked in a specialty shop about the type of paint they should use and how to calculate how much they would need.The shop assistant told her:

- Use an acrylic paint because it can be washed and it holds onto its colour well. A kilo covers an area of 8 square metres.
- To calculate the area of the room, you simply multiply the height by the length ofthe walls and the length by the width of the ceiling. It is important to remember to subtract the dimensions of the door and windows.

3. David bought a magazine about decorating to choose the best colour. He found that it is very important to consider:
- The colours of the existing décor: furniture, curtains, pictures, etc.

- The amount of sunlight the room gets. Light colours reflect light and make spaces look bigger while darker tones absorb light and result in the opposite effect. Therefore, if the room gets very little natural light, a lighter colour should be used.


1. What resources did they use to find information?
2. Write, in order, the steps that must be followed to paint a room.

3. What phase of the technological process does beginning to paint belongs to?

4. Indicate which phase of the technological process making calculations belongs to.

5. David's room has very little light, what colour tone should he use?

6. Laura, who has a very well lit room, wants to use a lavender colour because it matches her bedspread. is that a good decision?

7. Sandra's room is 4 m in length, 2 m in width and 2.5 m in height. The areas of the en- trance door and the door to the terrace total 6 m2. How much paint does she need to paint two coats on the walls and the ceiling?
8. Note down the dimensions of your room and calculate how much paint you would need to paint two coats on the walls and ceiling.